Far away

So I just realized I always stay far away from my parents. It doesn’t mean ‘far’ but real far on distance. I took my bachelor degree in one city named Bandung, okay it’s Jatinangor, suburbs of Bandung. And it takes 2 – 3 hours by car from my home. For the first time I felt I couldn’t do that, staying alone not with mt parents, what should I eat? What if I got sick? And what if I ran out of money?

But time went by, and I knew by living far away from my family I learnt a lot of new things. I’ve became maturer and I could do things I couldn’t imagine before, such as:

1. I could repair my own television, lamp, and radio.

2. I could build my own cupboard

3. I could sleep on little space on my bed because it was wet since my rooftop were broken

4. I could eat something and stay alive with Rp700 (0.075840 USD) for 2 days because my bank had a problem at that time so my parents couldn’t send me some money hahaha..

And now I live in Rende, South Italia, it’s around 15 hours from my country. And I’m improving my ‘unimaginable’ ability into cooking since there are no Indonesian restaurant in here.

But the most unimaginable thing that goes on me now is: I can travel around Europe. Not all Europe, yet, but I will. And the magic things always come. For example, I went to Paris and Brussels with few money because that was all I got AND I met a lot of nice people who helped me (and my friends) with free places to stay and delicious meals! :) And I went to Frankfurt a week ago because I met a nice person who offered free airplane and bus tickets, and also I stayed there for free.

I know this post little bit random, but if you were staying far away from your family and felt scared, don’t be. Mostly, when you’re under uncertainty circumstances you will find 2 things:

First, the best of you to deal with the problem, and

Second, there will always be helped from people around you. You know, you won’t be alone, ever :)

Best Office-Buddies Ever! (part 2)


It’s 13.37 pm in South Italy, and my stomach is full after eating fried rice with meat and bakwan. Well bakwan is Indonesian food made from flour and vegetables, such as carrot and lettuce. I made it spicy, ah it was delicious. Nyum!

Okay, so my other buddies in office are:

4. Ido, 26 y.o, crazy Arab-Indonesian, has a long and beautiful eyelashes (and always make me and other women want to cut them!). He is sooo active like a rabbit robot which already got new battery, either he will talk with different annoying sound or he will make himself like a lamebrained person. One day he drove us to the mall in Jakarta, and while he was driving, he also singing and dancing. Dancing and singing in the road! And we almost hit the bus. Doh! We were scolding him of course, but he just replied, “but everything is okay right? Jussssttt, relax.” ahahaha.. He’s really smart and busy. If he’s getting busier, he will have pimples on his face, a big one, either on the forehead or cheek. By the way, he was the one who always helped me did my microsoft excel assignments. Hahaha.. And now, Ido just got a new great job in Chile. He will be a kind of chief handling the branch office there. So proud of you, Bro :)

5. Jaro, woman, always has “killing-shoes”, the shoes if you wear them your appearance will increase 3 levels. Woohoo! Jaro is a kind of girl who’s ambitious, has a high passion on marketing, and well-organized. If me and Biyo, for example, did something stupid like tried to lick our own nose, Jaro would say, “oh no, I won’t do that, it’s so stupid and gross.” Hahaha. Sometimes she checked my study progress with asking, “How’s your study?” “How’s your exam? Did you get good grades?” “How’s your Italian language progress? Is it better?” And I just replied, “good, hehehe..” (if you know what I mean :p) But fortunately my grades are good, except my Italian language, it’s stuck. But don’t worry, I already knew bad words in Italian.

6. Iga, 25 y.o. Ohya today Biyo, Jaro, Ido, and Ling-ling gave her the birthday surprise eventhough her birthday was almost a month ago. Hahaha! One thing I love the most from her is her English pronunciation, really good and perfect. If you knew Cinta Laura, Indonesian actress who used to live abroad and she always speak with mix Indonesia-English, well the way Iga speaks is better then her.

Okay, they are the 8 of us. Why 8? Because we were on the Management Trainee program in that biscuit company. So we were together luckily passed 6 levels of test before we were accepted:

1. Psychological test; 2. Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with HRD team; 3. Interview with HRD team ; 4. Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with senior managers; 5. Presentation in front of the Board of Directors; 6. Health Test.

Well, I always have a strange feeling when the first time I meet a person, somehow I know that this person will have a long relationship with me or not. And when I first met Ido, Iki, and Jaro in Psychological test, I felt that feeling ( I met the rest of them in contract signature a month later).

Anyhow, I’m proud of them, and I think HRD made a good decision choosing the 8 of us. Not because we are smart, charming, and awesome. But they made us found each other and we found new playground: the biscuit office! Hahaha.

Best Office-Buddies Ever! (part 1)

I have 7 best office-buddies in my previous office.

So, I worked on this multinational biscuit company in Bekasi for 1,8 years before I decided to take the scholarship in Italy. It wasn’t the easy decision tho, besides my salary was kinda good for my age and experience, I should leave those 6 weird people. Yes, 6, because I ‘run away’ with 1 of them to this village, called Rende.

Here they are:

(clockwise) Iki – Jaro – The beautiful me (Ha!) – Biyoh – Ido – Iga – Uni – Ling-ling

1. Biyo, 26 y.o woman, she has a big butt as large as the soccer field, my pee-buddy (everyday at 8 am I went to the toilet with her, always). After I resigned and stranded here, we always chat everyday, talking about something serious, weirdo, and non sense things. By the way, she loveeeees Bule (Indonesian used to say people from western with this nickname). And her dream is having a real relationship with Bule before she’s getting married. So, if you’re Bule, smart, has a good job, nice, and you have 6 pack abs, kindly call her in 08**88**72*. She’s smart, really i’m not lying, love travelling, has a big responsibility to her family.

2. Iki, I’ve told you before in the previous post about him. He’s the one who ran away with me to the South Italy. In here, most people who don’t know us would say, “oh Gosh, you guys are a cute couple!” please, we’re not. And one day when we went to the campus party, a man came to us and said that thing. And I replied, “ah, no, he’s my brother.” And he surprised, “Oh, you should promise to invite me to your house! I wanna meet you parents!” hahahaha.. Yes, we look alike.. a bit.. because our skin are bright and our friends said maybe also because our face sometimes look like dumb people. Crap.

3. Ling-ling, 24 y.o, she always eat but never get fat. I hate you, Ling. She always worried with her friends, brings food from home, and we always took it from her.. hahahaha.. She’s talking and moving so fast, and sometimes she’s scolding anyone who’s walking or doing things slower than her. And after 2,4 years on that biscuit company, I think it’s her time to get a better job :)

4. Uni, 26 y.o, she was the the first among us who resigned from the company (2 weeks before me and 3 weeks before Iki), she ran away to Pavia, a little city in Milan, Italy. She’s good in virtual relationship hahahaha… But in real relationship also. Because of her scholarship, she already went to some cities in Europe. Geez. Her scholarship is bigger than me and Iki, by the way. And the most important part of her is: she’s really good on saving money. Extremely good. Everytime when we got our salaries (we had the same amount of salary by the way, the 8 of us) she would be the one who didn’t have any problem with lost those money. So, our payment day is on the 4th week for every month. Until the 1st week of the other month, we still ‘rich’, buying anything. But on the 2nd week, we started to limit our spending. On the 3rd week, we almost couldn’t buy anything because we should save our money also in the bank. But, not for Uni, she still has a lot of money until we got another salary. hahaha.. Because she used to not buying anything in the 4th and 1st week. And she will spend her money after saving them in the bank. So smart.

Okay, I’ll continue with other 3 friends later because I’m so sleepy and it’s already Monday. Oh no!

Buona notte 😉

Happy Day (again)!

I just got my happy day (again) on wednesday.. We had festa in Italia, Anniversario della Liberta, auguri Italiaaaa!!

And I had some stories today, but by the way I’ll write in Bahasa Indonesia.. hahaha..

Temen-temen gw yang ada dicerita ini ada:

1) Sebut saja namanya Titin, mahasiswi S2 di Italia, wanita Indonesia yang sedang dituntut mamanya untuk segera mencari pasangan

2) Dodo, mahasiswa S2 dari Indonesia yang entah kenapa nyasar juga ke Italia yang Ayahnya baru aja ulang tahun kemarin lusa (selamat ulang tahun, Om!) dan sang Mama mengingatkan kita untuk selalu “rukun-rukun.”

3) Kiki, pria, sahabat gw yang suka lupa dan bingung mendadak.

4) Nina, temen sekamar gw, keturunan Cina tapi ga mau ngakuin kalo dia Cina, “aku ga Cina, cuma mirip Cina aja 90%.”

Cerita 1

Jadi kita lagi makan malem di mensa (kantin) bareng anak-anak Indonesia lainnya, dan kita ribut seperti biasa. Temen kita, Dodo ngeluh kalau perutnya sakit dan gelembung, “kayak busung laper gitu.. apalagi kalo abis makan.. banyak banget gasnya..”

Gw: pakein minyak angin dong..

Dodo: ga suka gw.. perut gw sakit gitu deh..

Titin: jangan-jangan kamu sakit Gajah Duduk!

Gw: (mikir apaan coba penyakit Gajah Duduk?? Tapi kayaknya sih ada) nah iya penyakit Gajah Duduk tuh nama lainnya Jantung Koroner, men! kalo lo ngerasa perut lo begah, terus abis itu lo demam, lo harus segera periksa ke dokter, karena kalau ga, lo bisa langsung lewat!

Titin: parah ya Gajah Duduk itu..

Dodo: Eh, Gajah Duduk sih merek sarung kali!!! Angin Duduk kali!

hahahaha! Bloon semuanya!

Cerita 2

Titin: Emang nih parah profesor gw, kata temen-temen sekelas gw aja “bitch woman.”

Kiki: Wanita Pantai??

Dodo: eh, hati-hati lo jangan sampe ganti Y-nya sama T!

Kita: (hening, mikir)

Gw: kok ada Y??

Dodo: iya kan Wanita Pantai.

Kita: (ngernyit, mikir) emang ada Y, di kata Wanita Pantai??

Dodo: ada lah! PANTAY!

Kita: buahahaha! alay lo! Pantai tuh pake I bukan Y! Bahasa Indonesia lo berapa sih, Do???

Cerita 3

Nina: Jadi waktu itu temen gw yang pramugari cerita, dia lagi ada penerbangan dari Papua. Nah ada Bapak-bapak yang naikin Babi Hutannya ke dalam kabin. Temen gw negur dong, “Pak, maaf, Babi Hutan tidak bisa masuk kabin.”

Bapak: Tapi dia bukan Babi Hutan, dia Patrick.

Pramugari: ………………….

Keluarga Heboh :)

Jadi hari Sabtu kemarin seharusnya gw sibuk belajar karena hari Senin ada ujian jam 9 pagi. Tapi bagaikan punuk tak merindukan bulan, gw males belajar. Jadilah gw iseng men-skype keluarga gw. Dan hari itu pertama kalinya setelah 6 bulan gw terdampar di entah dimana, kita video call-an. Karena selama ini skype gw secara mistis selalu ngehang setiap gw udah dempolan mau video call-an.

Tapi Sabtu kemarin berhasil, Sodara-sodara! *sujud syukur*. Inilah cuplikannya:

Ayah: Nya, Nya, mana anak Ayah? Nah itu dia akhirnya keliatan. Ayah kangen, Nak..

Gw: Ayah mana mukanya??

Ayah: (nyengir dalam kegelapan) ini, Ayah ganteng gak?

Gw: manaaa?? ga keliatan. Ayah ngebelakangin lampu gitu.. Coba disinarin mukanya.

Ayah: (mukanya disenterin sama Adek gw. Bukannya mindahin posisi laptop yaaa.. Tetep nyengir) Ayah ganteng gak?

Gw: (Syok) Yah, kok ompongnya banyak?

Ayah: Ganteng kan?

Gw: Ompong

Ayah: Ganteng doong..

Gw: ………………………..

Mama: Nyanya, akhirnya Mama bisa ngeliat muka Nyanya, kok pipi semua, Nak? Makannya keju terus ya? bla bla bla bla…

Hahahaha.. Heboh..

Dan muncullah Adek gw, pria yang baru aja 22 tahun, kuliah di salah satu universitas negri di Depok, tingkat akhir.

Adek: Kak, liat, jam tangan Ayah baru!

Gw: baguuuus!

Adek: padahal cuma 13 Euro loh.. (mentang-mentang gw daritadi ngomong belanjaan pake Euro, sekarang keluarga gw ga mau kalah)

Adek: Kak, liat, helm baru!

Gw: Bagus..

Adek: Liat, tudung saji baru!

Gw: warna-warni ya bagus..

Mama: buat ditunjukin ke calon menantu Mama ntar kalo Nyanya pulang..

Gw: ………………..

Adek: kak, liat, ayam bakar Padang beli di gang deket rumah.

Gw: (pura-pura kebelet pipis)

Gw seneng banget hari itu, karena akhirnya Skype ga berkonspirasi untuk mengagalkan acara video call gw lagi. Jadilah gw me-rate Skype dengan bintang banyak.

Dan, pas Adek gw nyium pipi Mama, gw sedikit mau nangis karena gw kangen beneran sama mereka, dan serasa pingin noyor Adek gw karna songong mamer-mamer..

How I love them so much :)

Little things I love!

They are not in order!

1. Laughing

2. Having a dumb chit chat with my friends

3. Touching the cheeks a person I love

4. Hugging

5. Having my hair stroked by my mom

6. Having my back scratched by my mom

7. Ice cream

8. Dark chocolate

9. Lasagna

10. Swimming

11. Creambath

12. Massage

14. Snow

15. Sea

16. Mountain

17. Travelling

18. Got A

19. Princess Diaries

20. Harry Potter

21. Silly pose while taking a picture

23. Music

23. Mie Aceh

24. Ikan Mas cooked by my mom

24. The smells of new book

25. The smells of the rain, wet soil, and rainy grass

26. Hot shower

27. Singing while no one could hear

28. Kiss

29.  Mama

30. Hot food

31. Hot tea

32. Dad

33. Polishing nail when I got my period

34. My brother

35. My best friends

36. Dancing

37. Creating my life-scene

38. Fantasy-action movies

39. Cartoon

40. Detective Conan

41. Necklace

42. My phone

43. Driving a car

44. Cuddling

45. Holiday

46. Money

47. Paris Hilton Can Can and Girgio Armani Sensi perfumes

48. Frenchfries

49. Cold Fruits

50. New things

Youuu made my day! :)

Simple things that really made my day yesterday:

1. Breakfast with toast and omelette

2. I was smiling at the mirror and realized that i’m quite pretty.. hahaha..

3. A simple twit from Red Ranger

4. My nice classmates.. They are sooo kind and nice and funny, and always help me, eventhough they can’t speak English very well and my Italiano level still really really low and we should use gesture sometimes to explain something :)

5. A little rain and good music while I was walking back to my apartment..

6. Saw the karaoke videos with my best friends 4 years ago.. Yes, we were singing like a bunch of people who did demonstration!


See.. how little things could make me happy, make me smile, and feel alive..

And when I was walking in the rain today, I whispered “Alhamdulillah” to Allah for always giving me the unpredictably-best things to me :)

What's on My Brain?

I found it when I searched “I miss you but can’t tell you,”

I know the result was soooo random.. Hahahaha!

But when I looked at the picture then I was nodding..

I need a job to support my financial status..

I need more sleep, because I always feel my sleeping hour isn’t enough :p

I don’t know what to do if the internet access in campus broke..

I need free food in Mensa (canteen) even I always say the foods are boring, the taste is the same, blah blah blah.. Still if there were holidays in Italy and it closed and we just got can foods and a lot of soda drinks, I miss Mensa food very much..

I love travelling and I will do anything to see other countries in Europe!

And the last thing and the most important thing is THESIS!

Because I can only go back to Indonesia after I graduated. Not because my parents forbid me to go home, but my money is not enough. But it’s enough to travel to Paris or Brussels for example :p

And love?

Actually, it’s not my main focus for now.

I’m not looking for a boyfriend or husband, even my parents always ask about that everytime we’re talking or chatting.

But if I could find one, could I reject him?