
I love travelling, I always am. When I was working in the biscuit company, I used to go to other city in Indonesia and of course they paid my travel fee, meals, and hotels. Oh how I miss those lovely times. But, now I learn to be a good woman backpacker and I wanna share what should I (and you) do before traveling and other importance things. By the way, lets share the experiences! 😀

Before you’re going:

1) Check for the cheapest flight, bus, or train, and also the schedule.

2) It’s better to go at night to save your hostel-money

3) Find the place to stay, either contact your friends in that place you wanna visit, find a new friend via (I found new family and good friends because of it!), search for the cheapest hostel (but, you should check the rating from many websites and compare it. Because 1 website may lied for the hostel rating, don’t get fooled!), or prepare your sleeping bag to get ready have a night in the nearest station or airport. Yeah!

4) Find out what are the places you should visit, the food and drink you should taste, and whether is there any festival or not on your coming dates.

5) Print out the Metro map (if the country has it), or the simplest city map. By the way, some city provide free map, but some of them sell the map in not really cheap price. Hah! Or, if you couldn’t find all of those OR you couldn’t read a map like me (ha!) don’t worry, the essence of traveling is GET LOST and GET FOUND!

6) 2 days before you go, prepare all your documents, print all tickets, and don’t forget to copy your passport and visa, in case something bad happens.

Here comes packing times! I don’t really like it by the way. And when I used to go to other country or city 2 or 3 years ago, I always brought a lot of clothes but it turned out I didn’t use all of them.. Ck! So, here’s what I do now:

1) For 5 days traveling I just bring 2 shirts, 1 jeans or if you want to use this to sleep just bring a trousers, and 1 sleeping shirt. Ohya, don’t forget to check the weather, to make sure whether you should bring a jacket or not.

2) Bring something important that you would spend there (like hand body, soap, shampoo, tooth paste, bread, etc) and don’t come back again with them, just with their empty bottles.

3) To skimp your money, bring your lunch box and empty water bottle. When I went to Frankfurt, I brought pepper, salt, and broth from my house then I bought pasta and vegetables in Frankfurt. So I shouldn’t spend my money to buy lunch and dinner. For oil, since for cooking pasta just need a few oil, I asked it from my friend there 😀

Okay, so It’s the time for you to go travel. Don’t be a paranoia with strangers, because sometimes they will help you and maybe could be your best friend. But don’t forget to stay on the qui vive.

Buon Viaggio!

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