A letter for you..

Early warning: I wrote this post not because I will be a mother tomorrow, but because I fully aware that what will you do (as a parent) will affect your children’s attitude. I have a lot of friends who are so spoiled and they need others to fulfill their wants and needs, and after I know their stories, those not good attitudes appear because of their closest surroundings; friends and parents. So here’s a letter for my children who are not here yet.

Dear Kids,

Hi, I’m your mother. (Now it’s awkward because I write this ‘letter’ years before I make you).

I’m sure you’re prettier and and handsomer than me and your father.

So kids, what I want to tell you is everything I do as your mother is for your best.

I will try to provide you with the best education system, because I want you to be smart. But I will keep your ‘head down’.

Even though we have a car, you still have to go to school with public transportation. So you will know how to use public facilities and how to behave among other people. You will know how hot it is when it’s raining meanwhile the bus is full with people, but also you will find the ‘art’ of sleeping in the bus but in the same time you should be aware with bad people there.

Even though I can buy you the newest gadgets, I will just buy you a gadget you need. So you won’t forget how to interact with your family and friends, you will talk with your ‘real friends’, not with them via chat or sms. You will play the real games, such as hide and seek, benteng, tapak gunung, or galaksin – not with your playstation –  because it will make you healthier and teach you how to compete, cooperate, respect others, and how to be a leader.

I will provide everything you need, but you should do something to have the things you want. For example, if you want me to buy you the most trendy shoes that you fall in love with, you have to make good grades in class. I do this to teach you that in life you should make efforts in order to accomplish something. Life is competitive, kids, if you’re strong then you’ll be a winner. But you still have to act nicely to others, because life is not only about yourself but it’s about how to have good relationship with others.

We will do a lot of traveling. Yey! I will show you the beauty of Indonesia and its cultural differences. We will spend nights not in a luxury hotel, but in hostel or in local people house so you can learn more about people and culture. But don’t worry, sometimes we can spend holiday in hotel and you’ll be our ‘prince and princess’.

When you turn to 17, I will encourage and challenge you to do traveling alone, in and outside Indonesia. It’s better if you can join exchange program to other continent, so you can meet a lot of other people from all over the world. Be a traveler, kids. Explore the world, value your life and others, meet strangers, expand your comfort zone.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

So, that’s all I want to tell you for now. By the way, I learnt from the greatest teacher: my parents and life.

I love you.

-Your Mother-

Nb: I haven’t met your father yet. But I’m sure he’s the best man for us.

No Longer a 'Yes' Woman

4 years ago maybe you would see me as a “Yes Woman”, because I rarely said no with everything even though that thing wasn’t good for me. My friends tend to bully me when I was in elementary school because I didn’t do anything when they asked me to do this and that. And one day when I was on my way back home, a boy passed me and touched one of my body parts, then like usual I didn’t say anything. It happened when I was in junior high school by the way, and I was still stupid.

But don’t worry, I’m not that person anymore. I can say ‘No’ against something I don’t like and have the courage to fight back. Life experiences and my best friend helped me to change.

Her name is Niken, my very best friend, but she’s different than other. My other best friends used to agree with everything I do. When I cry they will sad too, when I mad with something they will also hate that thing. But not with her. Sometimes when I cry, especially over a boy, she will laugh, and I will stop crying and asking, “why are you laughing? what are you laughing at? I’m crying now.” But then she replies my question logically, show me the fact why I shouldn’t cry, and make me laugh with those creepy tears.

Sometimes she could be very cruel and mean. She used to ask me to do anything she wanted, and I would did it. But not longer after we became best friends, I could say ‘No’ to her orders, and she felt guilty because she made me change to someone who’s not easily to say ‘Yes’ anymore. Hahahaha..

She always reminds me that world sometimes could be very cruel. I couldn’t be nice with everyone because not all people are nice. There always be black over white, not just white and grey. I shouldn’t be completely skeptic with anything good, but I should be more aware of bad things.

So, this is me now, my attitude is based on how you treat me. If you treat me good I’ll be a nice person to you. But if you treat me bad, then be careful of the result.

Buon fine settimana :)

When will I settle down?

This question popped out when me and my friend who lives sooo far away from here talked for hours.

By the way I read some things about men, and they said that ‘you can’t talk randomly with men, it’s just for women!’ No way, men can talk randomly for hours! The statement is wrong. Or maybe he’s not a common man hahaha.. (i’m kidding, anyway. Just keep the chocolate for me, okay)

Okay, so my answer will be:

I will settle down when I have a serious relationship with someone who can be my Imam and financially independent and he ASKS me to settle down. 

Just that simple. I won’t ask my boyfriend to get married, ever. Because I believe when that someone said that sentence to me, he already thought about the consequences of getting married with me and my family. He knows what are my dreams, and he’s ready to travel the world with me.

Moreover, I don’t want to insist someone to do something he doesn’t want to do, especially it’s about something I wanna do just once in my life. So I’ll just let him to said the words, and then I will reply, “okay, let’s settle down.”

Cita-cita (rada nggak) Penting

Gw rasa semua orang pasti bisa ngebagi list cita-citanya kedalam 3 kelompok:
1. Cita-cita seumur hidup: semacem impian terdalam buat hidup lo. Kalau gw jadi dokter (dan gagal, saudara-saudara) dan keliling Eropa,
2. Cita-cita penting: buat gw bisa keliling dunia, kerja di perusahaan international yang keren dan memfasilitasi gw dengan tugas2 keluar negri, dan
3. Cita-cita rada gak penting, hal-hal yang pingin kayaknya harus banget gw lakuin tapi sebenernya kalau dipikir-pikir ya ga penting juga hahaha..

1) Punya pacar yang bukan kewarganegaraan Indonesia (done)
Lumayan lah ya pas pacaran sama dia seakan-akan punya international love, gaul abis gitu.. Padahal mah biasa aja, malah menurut gw setingkat lebih ribet daripada punya pacar dari Indonesia. Budaya kita beda, cara nunjukin perhatian beda, dan suka misscomm karena kebetulan gw dan dia berbicara pake bahasa kedua kita yaitu bahasa Inggris dan tingkat bahasa Inggris kita sama-sama ‘lagi belajar’. Dan paling rada males kalau dia tiba-tiba nelpon pas gw lagi tidur. Pas ditelepon pasti kebangun lah ya, dan dia ngoceh pake bahasa inggris, dan gw masih belom sadar baget, jadi biasanya gw nanggepin dengan “ah yes, ahahaha.. Okay.. Hahaha.. Bye,” yang ujungnya ngebuat dia rada ngomel-ngomel karena ngerasa gw kurang excited dia hubungin. Aduh Mas, baru bangun langsung diajak ngobrol pake bahasa Indonesia aja saya loadingnya lama, apalagi pake bahasa lain. *toyor*

2. Makan salju (done)
Waktu itu gw dan temen-temen ke gunung Sila buat main salju karena gemes udah bulan Januari Rende ga kunjung bersalju. Dan kita beruntung banget, karena begitu kita sampe, Sila turun salju, langsunglah gw menengadahkan muka dan makan salju. Rasanya yaaa mirip-mirip sama es abang-abang di jakarta.

3. Guling-gulingan di salju (done)
Norak banget ini keliatan baru sekali itu ketemu salju. Hahahaa. Gw dan temen-temen niat banget foto dengan posisi tiduran dan waktu itu Rende lagi lumayan deres saljunya (akhirnya!) dan kita foto-foto di pinggir jalan sambil tengkurep.

4. Masuk ke s*x store (will be done)
Cita-cita ini hanya untuk memenuhi rasa penasaran semata. Serius. Temen-temen gw selalu khawatir sama rasa penasaran gw yang tinggi, mereka takut gw bakal ‘nakal’ karna rasa penasaran itu. Hahaha. Jadilah waktu itu gw dan sahabat gw, Niken, lagi jalan-jalan pusat pertokoan di Singapore yang ternyata banyak toko kayak begituannya. Gw udah heboh ngelirik-lirik niken buat masuk. Di toko pertama kita cuma ngelewatin toko sambil melotot penasaran ke arah displaynya. Di toko kedua kita udah niat mau masuk tapi deg-degan, jadinya kita cuman jalan bolak-balik didepan toko itu dan akhirnya kabur pas mbak-mbak penjaga toko ngeliatin kita. Dan di toko ketiga kita udah ngumpulin keberanian, berdiri didepan toko, dan ngebuat skenario seandainya mbak-mbaknyaa nanya kita mau nyari apa disana, “kita bilang aja mau beli kado buat temen kita yang mau nikah, Ken.” “Kalo dia nanya maunya yang bentuknya dan fungsinya apa, gimana? Emang lo ngerti?” “Ya, nggaklah, ngeliat toko kayak beginian aja baru disini dan gw deg-degan.” Hadeuh. *tepok jidat*
Begitu kita mau masuk, masuklah kakek-kakek kedalam sana, dan kita langsung ilfil. Dan pas saat itu mbak-mbak tokonya keluar toko dan ngeliat kita dengan tatapan, “udah sana anak kecil pulang aja ke rumah, gosok gigi, cuci kaki, tidur!” Jadilah kita kabur dan sampe sekarang belom pernah masuk toko begituan.

5. Ke Red District (will be done)
Hahaha. Masih loh berhubungan sama yang ‘panas-panas’. Tapi serius, gw cuma penasaran sama mbak2 yang joged-joged di dalem kaca. Pingin liat aja gimana sih gaya marketing mereka. Halah. Kita liat aja ya dalam dua bulan kedepan gw akhirnya bisa menjejakkan kaki kesini atau ga.

6. Ngelus anjing (done)
Ini cita-cita yang rada nyeremin sih sebenernya karena pada dasarnya gw takut anjing sejak gw dan asisten rumah tangga gw dikejar anjing gila di daerah komplek rumah pas gw umur 2 tahun. Kita berdua lari, nggak deng sebenernya cuman asisten rumah tangga gw yang lari karena gw digendong sama dia, sambil jejeritan ngelilingin lapangan gara-gara si anjing. Hadeuh. Dan begitu gw sampe Rende, banyak bener anjing di komplek apartemen mahasiswanya. Gw dulu sampe sempet takut keluar rumah karena anjing-anjing itu, padahal mereka juga ga peduli sama gw hahaha. Tapi akhirnya disuatu hari yang cerah, gw ngeberaniin untuk ngelus anjing coklat kecil karena dia kasian kelaperan dan kita juga ga punya makanan. Yaudah gw kasih aja kasih sayang, hehe, walaupun dia tetep laper sih ujung-ujungnya.

7. Ke pusat banci di Thailand (will be done)
Gw penasaran bangeeeet sama mereka! Apalagi kalau diliat dari foto-foto di website, mereka lebih cantik aja dari wanita normal. Jreng! Merasa tersaingi. Jadi gw harus ngeliat mereka secara langsung suatu saat nanti.

8. Melahirkan di negara Skandinavia (will be done)
Penting banget ni cita-cita. Hahahaha.. Karena menurut penelitian temen gw, anak yang lahir di negara-negara tersebut akan dapet jaminan seumur hidupnya. Dan kalau misalkan seandainya jodoh gw adalah orang Indonesia yang ga ada darah-darah luar negrinya, gw masih pingin punya anak yang seenggaknya pipinya merah kayak apel, kan lucu yah.. Dan sepenglihatan gw sejauh ini, bayi-bayi Indonesia yang lahir di luar negri (negeri kulit putih terutama) akan kebule-bulean walaupun muka bapak-ibunya Indonesia totok.

Buona giornata! 😉

What's on your mind right now?

Hey! Morniiiing!

It’s really bright and warm here in Rende. I just woke up and then these things came up on my mind:

1. I need to finish my paper about Peasant Women Development in Palm Oil Plantation, West Borneo. I can imagine the structure of the paper and what I should write on it, but I’m too lazy to start it. Maybe after posting this blog, I will start writing. Or maybe after I eat something, or maybe I should play The Sims first so it won’t distract me anymore, or maybe after watching a movie, or maybe I can do it at night, or maybe…

2. I wanna dance soooo badly! Me and my friends performed Nandak dance (traditional dance from Jakarta) 3 weeks ago in university. Finally I did traditional dance again after 10 years. hahaha.. I used to dance like that since I was 5 years old. And even I always wanted to cry every time my teacher asked me to practice every weekend, (and I hated him so much because I couldn’t watch cartoons) I still love to do that.

3. I wanna be a radio announcer again! I missed talking with microphone to the computer and invisible people for hours. I was a radio announcer in one radio indie in Jatinangor, West Java. When I was in training, me and my friends had announcing schedule until 2 am, and it was kinda creepy actually because the studio placed in a quite place and next to a really big-scary tree. And one day when me and my friend (just the 2 of us) were there to do our job, the electricity suddenly off and then we ran out as fastest as we could from the studio so we wouldn’t meet ‘something’ we didn’t want to meet. Hahahaha.. Anyhow, that radio announcing experiences means a lot to me, I found one of my happiest activity, my best friends, and good songs to steal :p

4. I wanna have Doraemon’s magic door! my best friends just tweeted me about their plans to go to Bandung and as usual they always try to make me envy because I can’t go with them. Hih!

Okay, I think it’s time for me to continue my paper (I guess. I hope so. I know I can. Haaaah). Buon fine settimanaaaaaa :)

Are you happy? Yes, I am!

One day my friend asked me this question via skype: “Are you happy now? OR you just pretend to look happy?”

And I answered that question without thinking: “Yes, I’m happy of course! I will be cursed if I’m not be grateful with all of these things I already had.”

Yes, I have some problems that sometimes make me feel worried and sad, BUT I am happy.

So many things made me happy, from the biggest one until the smallest one. I have great parents and brother, even though my parents always ask me once a week whether I already had ‘someone’ or not. Jeez, Mom, Dad -_-

I have awesome best friends, even I’m more awesome than them (!!!). They always make me laugh, somehow they know me better than I do, and they make me feel relieve when I’m facing such a big problem.

I’m on my way to accomplish my biggest dream: travelling around Europe :)

And I can eat good and healthy food now, I can sleep and live in proper house, I’m healthy, I can go study, I can wear different clothes every day, I have my freedom, and I can breath! :)

Well, for me it’s hard being sad when I’m surrounded with happy things..


I love travelling, I always am. When I was working in the biscuit company, I used to go to other city in Indonesia and of course they paid my travel fee, meals, and hotels. Oh how I miss those lovely times. But, now I learn to be a good woman backpacker and I wanna share what should I (and you) do before traveling and other importance things. By the way, lets share the experiences! 😀

Before you’re going:

1) Check for the cheapest flight, bus, or train, and also the schedule.

2) It’s better to go at night to save your hostel-money

3) Find the place to stay, either contact your friends in that place you wanna visit, find a new friend via couchsurfing.com (I found new family and good friends because of it!), search for the cheapest hostel (but, you should check the rating from many websites and compare it. Because 1 website may lied for the hostel rating, don’t get fooled!), or prepare your sleeping bag to get ready have a night in the nearest station or airport. Yeah!

4) Find out what are the places you should visit, the food and drink you should taste, and whether is there any festival or not on your coming dates.

5) Print out the Metro map (if the country has it), or the simplest city map. By the way, some city provide free map, but some of them sell the map in not really cheap price. Hah! Or, if you couldn’t find all of those OR you couldn’t read a map like me (ha!) don’t worry, the essence of traveling is GET LOST and GET FOUND!

6) 2 days before you go, prepare all your documents, print all tickets, and don’t forget to copy your passport and visa, in case something bad happens.

Here comes packing times! I don’t really like it by the way. And when I used to go to other country or city 2 or 3 years ago, I always brought a lot of clothes but it turned out I didn’t use all of them.. Ck! So, here’s what I do now:

1) For 5 days traveling I just bring 2 shirts, 1 jeans or if you want to use this to sleep just bring a trousers, and 1 sleeping shirt. Ohya, don’t forget to check the weather, to make sure whether you should bring a jacket or not.

2) Bring something important that you would spend there (like hand body, soap, shampoo, tooth paste, bread, etc) and don’t come back again with them, just with their empty bottles.

3) To skimp your money, bring your lunch box and empty water bottle. When I went to Frankfurt, I brought pepper, salt, and broth from my house then I bought pasta and vegetables in Frankfurt. So I shouldn’t spend my money to buy lunch and dinner. For oil, since for cooking pasta just need a few oil, I asked it from my friend there 😀

Okay, so It’s the time for you to go travel. Don’t be a paranoia with strangers, because sometimes they will help you and maybe could be your best friend. But don’t forget to stay on the qui vive.

Buon Viaggio!

Far away

So I just realized I always stay far away from my parents. It doesn’t mean ‘far’ but real far on distance. I took my bachelor degree in one city named Bandung, okay it’s Jatinangor, suburbs of Bandung. And it takes 2 – 3 hours by car from my home. For the first time I felt I couldn’t do that, staying alone not with mt parents, what should I eat? What if I got sick? And what if I ran out of money?

But time went by, and I knew by living far away from my family I learnt a lot of new things. I’ve became maturer and I could do things I couldn’t imagine before, such as:

1. I could repair my own television, lamp, and radio.

2. I could build my own cupboard

3. I could sleep on little space on my bed because it was wet since my rooftop were broken

4. I could eat something and stay alive with Rp700 (0.075840 USD) for 2 days because my bank had a problem at that time so my parents couldn’t send me some money hahaha..

And now I live in Rende, South Italia, it’s around 15 hours from my country. And I’m improving my ‘unimaginable’ ability into cooking since there are no Indonesian restaurant in here.

But the most unimaginable thing that goes on me now is: I can travel around Europe. Not all Europe, yet, but I will. And the magic things always come. For example, I went to Paris and Brussels with few money because that was all I got AND I met a lot of nice people who helped me (and my friends) with free places to stay and delicious meals! :) And I went to Frankfurt a week ago because I met a nice person who offered free airplane and bus tickets, and also I stayed there for free.

I know this post little bit random, but if you were staying far away from your family and felt scared, don’t be. Mostly, when you’re under uncertainty circumstances you will find 2 things:

First, the best of you to deal with the problem, and

Second, there will always be helped from people around you. You know, you won’t be alone, ever :)

Best Office-Buddies Ever! (part 2)


It’s 13.37 pm in South Italy, and my stomach is full after eating fried rice with meat and bakwan. Well bakwan is Indonesian food made from flour and vegetables, such as carrot and lettuce. I made it spicy, ah it was delicious. Nyum!

Okay, so my other buddies in office are:

4. Ido, 26 y.o, crazy Arab-Indonesian, has a long and beautiful eyelashes (and always make me and other women want to cut them!). He is sooo active like a rabbit robot which already got new battery, either he will talk with different annoying sound or he will make himself like a lamebrained person. One day he drove us to the mall in Jakarta, and while he was driving, he also singing and dancing. Dancing and singing in the road! And we almost hit the bus. Doh! We were scolding him of course, but he just replied, “but everything is okay right? Jussssttt, relax.” ahahaha.. He’s really smart and busy. If he’s getting busier, he will have pimples on his face, a big one, either on the forehead or cheek. By the way, he was the one who always helped me did my microsoft excel assignments. Hahaha.. And now, Ido just got a new great job in Chile. He will be a kind of chief handling the branch office there. So proud of you, Bro :)

5. Jaro, woman, always has “killing-shoes”, the shoes if you wear them your appearance will increase 3 levels. Woohoo! Jaro is a kind of girl who’s ambitious, has a high passion on marketing, and well-organized. If me and Biyo, for example, did something stupid like tried to lick our own nose, Jaro would say, “oh no, I won’t do that, it’s so stupid and gross.” Hahaha. Sometimes she checked my study progress with asking, “How’s your study?” “How’s your exam? Did you get good grades?” “How’s your Italian language progress? Is it better?” And I just replied, “good, hehehe..” (if you know what I mean :p) But fortunately my grades are good, except my Italian language, it’s stuck. But don’t worry, I already knew bad words in Italian.

6. Iga, 25 y.o. Ohya today Biyo, Jaro, Ido, and Ling-ling gave her the birthday surprise eventhough her birthday was almost a month ago. Hahaha! One thing I love the most from her is her English pronunciation, really good and perfect. If you knew Cinta Laura, Indonesian actress who used to live abroad and she always speak with mix Indonesia-English, well the way Iga speaks is better then her.

Okay, they are the 8 of us. Why 8? Because we were on the Management Trainee program in that biscuit company. So we were together luckily passed 6 levels of test before we were accepted:

1. Psychological test; 2. Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with HRD team; 3. Interview with HRD team ; 4. Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with senior managers; 5. Presentation in front of the Board of Directors; 6. Health Test.

Well, I always have a strange feeling when the first time I meet a person, somehow I know that this person will have a long relationship with me or not. And when I first met Ido, Iki, and Jaro in Psychological test, I felt that feeling ( I met the rest of them in contract signature a month later).

Anyhow, I’m proud of them, and I think HRD made a good decision choosing the 8 of us. Not because we are smart, charming, and awesome. But they made us found each other and we found new playground: the biscuit office! Hahaha.

Best Office-Buddies Ever! (part 1)

I have 7 best office-buddies in my previous office.

So, I worked on this multinational biscuit company in Bekasi for 1,8 years before I decided to take the scholarship in Italy. It wasn’t the easy decision tho, besides my salary was kinda good for my age and experience, I should leave those 6 weird people. Yes, 6, because I ‘run away’ with 1 of them to this village, called Rende.

Here they are:

(clockwise) Iki – Jaro – The beautiful me (Ha!) – Biyoh – Ido – Iga – Uni – Ling-ling

1. Biyo, 26 y.o woman, she has a big butt as large as the soccer field, my pee-buddy (everyday at 8 am I went to the toilet with her, always). After I resigned and stranded here, we always chat everyday, talking about something serious, weirdo, and non sense things. By the way, she loveeeees Bule (Indonesian used to say people from western with this nickname). And her dream is having a real relationship with Bule before she’s getting married. So, if you’re Bule, smart, has a good job, nice, and you have 6 pack abs, kindly call her in 08**88**72*. She’s smart, really i’m not lying, love travelling, has a big responsibility to her family.

2. Iki, I’ve told you before in the previous post about him. He’s the one who ran away with me to the South Italy. In here, most people who don’t know us would say, “oh Gosh, you guys are a cute couple!” please, we’re not. And one day when we went to the campus party, a man came to us and said that thing. And I replied, “ah, no, he’s my brother.” And he surprised, “Oh, you should promise to invite me to your house! I wanna meet you parents!” hahahaha.. Yes, we look alike.. a bit.. because our skin are bright and our friends said maybe also because our face sometimes look like dumb people. Crap.

3. Ling-ling, 24 y.o, she always eat but never get fat. I hate you, Ling. She always worried with her friends, brings food from home, and we always took it from her.. hahahaha.. She’s talking and moving so fast, and sometimes she’s scolding anyone who’s walking or doing things slower than her. And after 2,4 years on that biscuit company, I think it’s her time to get a better job :)

4. Uni, 26 y.o, she was the the first among us who resigned from the company (2 weeks before me and 3 weeks before Iki), she ran away to Pavia, a little city in Milan, Italy. She’s good in virtual relationship hahahaha… But in real relationship also. Because of her scholarship, she already went to some cities in Europe. Geez. Her scholarship is bigger than me and Iki, by the way. And the most important part of her is: she’s really good on saving money. Extremely good. Everytime when we got our salaries (we had the same amount of salary by the way, the 8 of us) she would be the one who didn’t have any problem with lost those money. So, our payment day is on the 4th week for every month. Until the 1st week of the other month, we still ‘rich’, buying anything. But on the 2nd week, we started to limit our spending. On the 3rd week, we almost couldn’t buy anything because we should save our money also in the bank. But, not for Uni, she still has a lot of money until we got another salary. hahaha.. Because she used to not buying anything in the 4th and 1st week. And she will spend her money after saving them in the bank. So smart.

Okay, I’ll continue with other 3 friends later because I’m so sleepy and it’s already Monday. Oh no!

Buona notte 😉