One Fine Evening

“Is it hurt having a labor?”
“Yes.. ummm.. but it’s not really hurt. I mean, you know when you get an injection on your arm, it will be hurt but just a second and after that you will feel nothing.. Having a labor is like that.. It’s just hurt in the process, and when you see your baby, you’ll feel so happy and grateful, and the process will be meant nothing to you. And you start wanting to have another baby. But don’t take it wrong. Maybe when you ask other people, they might say ‘it was hurt like hell!!’ Different person, different experience. But don’t worry, if give a birth is really painful, no women wanna have more than one baby or maybe they don’t wanna have one.”

“And how about the contraction?”
“Hahahaha.. yes, it’s also hurt of course.. And some women will have contraction since a week before giving a birth.”

“Gosh! Is the contraction same with when we have poo-poo?”
“Noooo, more than that..”

“Yes, when you get period, you know sometimes it hurts so much. But it’s a biiiiiiiiig period.. But, really, don’t worry. When the baby comes, you’ll feel so relieved and happy, because you finally got the baby and you’re a mother.”

“Have you ever felt ummm.. bored with your husband? Hahahaha.. You know, sometimes my friends scared of marriage things because  they think ‘what if I get bored with my husband?’ ‘what if he’s not the one or I’m not the one?'”
“Yes yes.. I know what you mean.. I once woke up and felt ‘what am I doing here??? I’m a wife! I don’t have my freedom anymore!’ But then I realized, it’s wrong.. Because actually I feel really happy with my husband.. He’s my only one, and I’m his only one too. So, Isyana, you’re still young. Here’s my advice, don’t get married because X factors; age, family asks you to get married while you’re not ready, status, or anything else. Just enjoy your time, go with the flow.. In the end of the road you”ll meet someone who makes you ‘I really wanna spend my life with him! A whole my life!’ Don’t be in a rush.”

-My au pair mother and me, one fine evening in Blaricum-

2 thoughts on “One Fine Evening

  1. That’s true…never think about age, status, or being miserable just because being single. Just go with the flow and enjoy your time because time is like a breath that once you exhaled you can’t take it back.

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