Love Stories I Know

Mom and Dad

They met when my Mom was around 19 years old in the wedding of their friends. My mom helped her friend there to be the ‘receptionist’ of the wedding party (in Indonesia, we have some friends to welcome the guests, and after the guests write their names on the book and take the little gift from the receptionist, they can enter the party room).

My Dad said, it was the love at the first sight. Hahaha! “your Mom was so pretty and then I asked her name and then we talked a lil bit that night.. and then we went out together after that.. Then, we had relationship.”

“Your Dad just had his early salary back then, he was poor. Hahaha! If we bought a food, we would order 2 plates of rice and one Rendang (traditional food from Indonesia made from cow meat), then we share that Rendang together. It was so pity but also sweet. Then after 6 years we decided to buy a house, our house, then we got married, and we have you now. I know your Dad is not the most handsome or the richest man I ever met or proposed me, there were some richer and more handsome guys who proposed me but I ran away.. hahahaha.. then I met your father.. But I feel so grateful with that. Without him, I wouldn’t have you.. The most precious things in my life..”

“And your Mom, even sometimes she’s fussy, but she has a very kind heart. She loves us with every breath she has. I love her, and I will always try my best to make you proud of me as a father.”

Opa and Oma

This is a story about the grandparents of my au pair children. One day Oma came to the house and while she was cooking, I asked her how she met Opa. And she was giggling  a lil bit, smiling, and told me this story.

“Oh Opa.. hahaha.. We met because of our friends. And from the first time we met, I felt that he liked me already, but I rejected him because I wasn’t sure with my feeling.. And then one day he asked me to go to the wedding party of our friends, but I didn’t wanna go just with him so I came with my girl friend, and he was with his boy friend.
From the wedding party we went to another party, me and Opa talked and danced a lot there. And my friend came to me and said, ‘I think both of you have the same feeling, you like each other..’ And I just couldn’t resist the feeling.. But after that I have to go to USA for student exchange for a month.. While I was there, Opa came to my family to meet them and introduce himself. Couple months after that, we got engaged but he got a job in Belgium. So my Mom came to me and asked me whether I really sure about this or not, if it’s serious it’ll be good if I also find a job in Begium so I can make sure about this love thingies. Then I went there, and after that Opa got a job in Holland, then we came back and we got married. All the process just took a year. And now we had 47 years of happy marriage..”

Mrs. Y and Mr. X

“Well, my husband said he fell in love with me at our first phone call. He fell in love with my voice first actually. Hahahaha.. And on the next day we met because of our job. When I saw him came to the room, I fell in love with him. And until now I still can remember the way he walked and smiled when he was entering the door couple years ago. After our first meeting at office, we went out in the next days. It happened in September. Then in the end of November he said that he fell on me. And in the early of December we started our relationship, February we engaged, and we got married in July.. It happened so fast, but when you met the right person, then there will be no boundaries on your way, it will go smoothly.”

There are 3 love stories I know.. I mean I know a lot of love stories, but they are the best until now.

And mine?
It hasn’t written yet. And all I know, Allah is preparing one good story for me with I don’t know whom. But it’s totally okay because I have other more important priorities to do, to graduate soon with a good GPA for example. And ohya, to do Europe trip with my best friends.
Aww! the sun is shining now in Blaricum..
Bismillah for the upcoming days.. I bet they will be more beautiful than I already had :)

7 thoughts on “Love Stories I Know

  1. Love stories are always amazing…never feel bored to listen or read them anytime in my leisure time…but

    to be frank, I haven’t felt the real fall in love thing..hope not in the nearest time…hehe
    I hope to write a very interesting love story of myself one day…hehe 😉

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