Rende, 17 November 2013
4 words that popped up when I was taking a bath was:
A dreamer, a chooser, a chaser, and a leaver.
Those words describe me the best.
I’m a dreamer.
From just an imagination one until the real one. I was dreaming to be a princess. Hahaha.
I think a lot of little girls also do that.
I wanted to wear a beautiful gown, live in a big castle (now I know why I like Europe castle and old building very much), ride a white horse, and meet my handsome prince. Yeah, it’s really stupid I know.
I already asked my parents about our relatives whether there were any possibilities I could be a princess, and they said, “No!” Hahaha.
So I changed my dream into the real one; study abroad and travel around the world.
And lucky me, I live in a supportive environment. My family knows they couldn’t afford me to study abroad, but they believed I could go to Europe to continue my study.
And here I am.
I’m a chooser.
I choose everything carefully.
I’m not a kind of person who will fall easily with something.
From the simplest thing, for example, choosing a shoe to buy. Or choosing my dream to accomplish, whether it is possible to chase or not. Because even there’s a person who said: “just believe in your dream and you can do everything.” Yes, I can do everything if I’m ready to face it and logically accepted.
I’m a chaser.
One of my best friends said, “you are a persistent person. If you want something really bad, you’ll chase it no matter how hard it is.” Yes, he was right.
I’m a leaver.
When I chase something, I also calculate its possibility rate.
If it’s like Gabrielle’s song – Out of Reach, or if that thing doesn’t want to cooperate with me to be chased, then I quit. I’ll make a new plan and chase it.
I don’t want to make something more complicated than it should be.
Those are mine, what are yours?
4 kata yang tidak ambisius seperti lo, hahaha.. Tapi tergantung kita liat dari mana, dari atas akan ketemu lazy, dari bawah sweet, dari kanan caring/graceful, kiri gak nemu…
kayaknya 4 kata yang terpilih bakal tetep dirasa sreg, seperti zodiak aja, ada sugesti yang berperan…
Seharusnya 4 tuh, Njus, kan ngeliatnya ga perlu dari atas kanan kiri bawah. Sekali liat aja..
Yg gw temuin jaman dulu yang ada di post itu Cut… cuma gw iseng aja ngecek dari setiap sisinya, hehehe…
Reblogged this on ~Rara Mendoet~.
Makasih, Ra
I found “compassionate”! ;p
Mas Hilal berarti ‘kasihanan’ ya orangnya 😀
sebentar… sebentar… kok diterjemah ‘kasihanan’? Kesannya jadi rada aneh 😀
hahahaha.. yaudah ‘ibaan’ deh..
*makin aneh
3 kata lainnya apa, Mas? Kan 4 kata pertama..
hehe… sengaja nggak ditulis. Soalnya seperti nggak nyambung. berhubung ditagih sama pemilik blog, terpaksa saya sebutkan: “courageous”, “charming” dan “sincered” :p
pingsan baca bagian ‘charmingnya’ hahaha
Nah, kan. Bagian itu yang bikin saya ragu nyebutinnya. hahaha
Tapi apa boleh buat, semua sudah ‘tertulis’
*geleng2 pasrah*
patient, sentimental, honest..and passionate..? it is true me..hehe
Hi ..salam kenal ya…nice it..
Wah sensitive dan rada mellow ini kayaknya, Mbak Nur.. hahaha..
Oiya, Mbak Nur orang ke-2 yang ‘compasionate’ hari ini..
Salam kenal juga ya, Mbak..
hahaha…saya rasa semua itu tergantung keadaan aja..
Iya salam kenal kembali..
Sentimental, dependent, charismatic, and honest. Apa artinya tuh?
Ciyee Bang Citra karismatik :))
Sentimental, dependent, charismatic, and honest. Apa artinya tuh?
ngerasa kayak gitu gak, Bang? -> Sentimental, dependent, charismatic, and honest
Kalau sentimental sih iya. Tiga terakhir itu kayaknya ga yakin. Hahahahaha…
Sentimental sama sentimen sama gak ya? 😀
Genuine, naive , peace, charismatic… ceilaaahh gw.. 😀 😀 * alhamdulillah nemu dramaticnya belakangan hahhaa
Ini kenapa pada karismatik siiih? *iri*
Lovely, Secures, Elegant, dan Charming. #Eh kok masuk kata “secures”, ulang lagi ah liatnya
Hahaha jangan diulang.. sekali aja :))
Itu charmingnya beneran tapi? 😀