I allergic to exams, I don’t like studying to get a high grade, I hate making an essay or a thesis. In short, I hate school. But since I was a kid I fell in love with Europe and told my parents that one day I will go to one of the European countries to get my master degree and travelling. Then everything I ever hoped was granted two years ago. I got a ticket to Europe to accomplish my dream. So even though I hated school, I knew I should executed my degree in good, no, in a best way I could.
1,5 years ago.
Have you ever done “the wishing touch”? It happens when you have a wish then you touch that thing while hoping that your wish will be granted.
1,5 years ago I passed one of the biggest auditorium in my university with a friend. There were many people cheering and taking pictures. And some of them wore pretty dresses while holding a big bouquet of flower. It was a graduation day. Suddenly I touched the wall of the auditorium and said to my friend,
“Around 1,5 years from now I will be here doing my graduation..”
May 1st, 2013
At that time I was struggling and almost dying because of the thesis. And on the sunny afternoon, me and a friend just got the information about the defense and graduation schedule. It would be held in July.
Me: It’ll be great doing the graduation in July. Because it can be a birthday gift for my mom..
Friend: Wow! You will give her a really astonishing gift, then. When is your mom’s birthday?
Me: 10th of July.
July 10th, 2013. 13.44 CEST
I was dialing my mom’s phone number. I hold my breath so I wouldn’t cry.
Mom: Nyanya?
Me: Assalammualaikum. Ma, alhamdulillah, I’ve gradua….
Mom: Why are you calling? Isn’t it expensive??
Me: ..ted. Yes it’s expensive and I don’t have enough credit. I just wanna let you know that I..
Mom: How was the graduation?
Me: .. Maaa.. Listen to me, I’ve graduated with a very good grade and this is your birthday..
Mom: Alhamdulillah! Ayah, Nyanya is calling. She said, she has gradua.. Tut!
The call was ended. I hate international call.
That day was my mom’s birthday and I just finished doing my defense and graduation ceremony in the auditorium I’ve touched 1,5 years ago.
This year I gave my master degree as a gift for my mom’s birthday. And I hope I can give a son-in-law for her birthday next year

The big auditorium

Taken by Eka Perwitasari
Lovely, Nyanya :’)..
Dreams do come true (as well as your Mom next bday gift 😉 )
Amiiin, Mbak..
*aminnya khusyuk bener*
Makasih Mbak Ine 😀
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Alhamdulillah syukur!!! selamat ya nyanyaaa!!! mama napsu aja yaah
Alhamdulillah ya Mbak akhirnya lulus juga akunya hahaha..
Klo gt tinggal liburannya dunk 😉 pulkam gak nya ?
Iya Mbak.. Aku jalan2 ke beberapa negara ntar awal agustus.. Hihiy!
Pulangnya sekitar akhir akhir Sept.
Kalo rumahnya Mbak Fascha deket sama Gothenburg gak?
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Aku di Stockholmnya
Wuah bulan itu aku ke indonesia
Wah enak banget mbak.. Berapa lama liburan di indonya?
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Sekitar sebulanan nya 😀 udh kangen banget sih
nice story!!!!!!!!!!!! Like this!!!!!!!!!!!
Makasih Li.. eh kamu teh lagi di bologna?
selamat mba Isya
ditunggu cerita petualangan kunjungan ke beberapa negaranya, ya…
Makasih Anda.. ntr aku share cerita jalan-jalan yah.. selamat puasa 😀
wah, congrats yaa.. sweetest gift ever!
Iya alhamdulillah.. Makasih Mbak 😀
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yeyyyy!! u made it, NYANYA KEBANGGAAN!!! xD
Terima kasih kakak Ria yang Sudah Seharusnya Menjadi Kebanggan.
-Nyanya Kebanggan yang Bersinar Bagaikan Bintang-