Don't be so envy..

Almost all my friends who just heard about where I am, would respond like this: Isyana, I’m so envy! You’re now in Europe!.

Yes I am, and now I’m struggling with some kind of skin allergic because of the weather change, summer to autumn.

Anyway, what I want to tell you is, my condition as student in abroad is not that special, so you don’t need to envy. Seriously.

For example, the weather change effects for my health condition. This is the 2nd time I experience nose bleeding and skin-itchy because (maybe) my body system is (still) shocked with the temperature change. The bleeding is not that serious, by the way, please don’t imagine I need a roll of tissue to cover the nostrils.
Ohya I will have the super dry skin or lips in winter which make me should put body cream or lip balm regularly or the skin and the skin will be wounded and bleed.

Or the extreme temperature in summer. I live in Rende, South Italy, so the temperature was soooooo high in summer. The sun was shining so bright and we couldn’t feel wind. I couldn’t sleep at night because the heat and I don’t have AC, and some of my friends got heatstroke.

Ohya, almost forgot to mention the fasting time. This year I did my Ramadan in Holland, and the longest fasting time I’ve done was 18, 45 hours and the shortest was 15 hours! Hahahaha.

Not to mention the language-shock when I just woke up, when I’m hungry, or too tired to speak but there’s someone who wants to speak with me in English or Italian. I will not respond immediately, all I can do is just blinking and thinking, processing the question to Bahasa Indonesia, processing the answer in Bahasa Indonesia and translating it to English or Italian. And the worst part is, the person should repeat my answer because he/she doesn’t understand. Hahaha.

Ohya, and the price. You know the Euro’s rate is still so high compare to Rupiah, so it makes the number so small. So whenever I want to buy something I will convert the amount of money to Rupiah. Because, you know, the first time I saw for example the food is 7 euro, my first impression was, “oh gosh it’s so cheap! In Indonesia this food will cost around Rp100.000!” Can you see the different of the number, right? And if I lost control, I would buy the food and other things which are ‘cheap’.

So friends, please don’t be so envy, I do miss my skin when I was in Indonesia, the food, and the prices and its ‘real’ number.
Yes, I’m in Europe now and maybe you’re in Indonesia, but there’re a lot of things you can be proud of and make me envy.

8 thoughts on “Don't be so envy..

  1. nyun!!!hwaiting,,,orang yang cari ilmu akan dinaikan beberapa derajat n closer to heaven!!hehehe…I hope you can fight those thingy so you can proud to yourself, how tough you are..

    btw mau rendang?makanan terenak di seluruh dunia lho hahahahaha…. #diketekin

    alamat lo di rende apaan cuy? siapa tahu gue mau kirim uda2 dari sini..hehehe

  2. hemmmm… gw termasuk yang gak iri… hehe….
    entah kenapa akhir2 ini gw jd gak iri sama siapa pun…
    gak iri sama yang lagi di luar negeri…
    gak iri sama yang udah nikah…
    gak iri sama yang udah punya anak…
    i just enjoy my life although it’s not perfect but it’s perfect in my perspective… ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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