One morning Niken (my best friend) texted me: Nya, do you think we ‘already’ 24 or we ‘just’ 24?
Then I re- read her text, thinking, because those words implied big different meaning.
When I think I just 24, I can say that I have my freedom as a teenager. Hahaha. I can play a lot, I don’t want to think about working or all my responsibilities, and no need to think about my future. I just live my life as it is.
But somehow, there’re times when I say that I already 24. I know I have responsibilities as a daughter, sister, best friend, student, and as a good woman.
Thinking about those things sometimes makes me have a big power, I’m an adult, I have my own life.
But most of the times, I freak out.
So many things to think about, to do, to accomplish.
What if I failed?
What if I couldn’t make my parents proud of me?
What if I couldn’t find a good job after graduation?
What if my best friends hated me? (oh this thing is totally impossible, I know they love me. Haha!)
See! Now I’m freaking out!
Today I talked with ummm.. just call her Rose, she was confused about her relationship.
She said that sometimes whether you will get married with your partner or not is not determined by the number of years of the relationship.
And sometimes the feeling can fade away, feeling has an expiration date if it’s not maintained by both of them. Or if it’s maintained very well, there’s still a chance that the uncertainty will come. Either about the person, job, place to stay after they settle down, or maybe because of a new person who’s better than their partner.
“I don’t know, really, maybe I’m just confused, maybe I’m scared, maybe I’m not ready to get married yet, or maybe I just need to think about this. About my future with him. Oh gosh I need sleep!”
But, for sure, my biggest quarter-life crisis is about my education. Can I pass those exams? Can I graduate soon? Can I make my parents proud of me?
This time I think I ‘already’ 24 and I don’t know what will happen next in my life.
But I believe, inshaAllah, I, Niken, and Rose can pass our quarter-life crisis smoothly.
And I do think that we need to have a-freak-out moment in our life, so we can learn how to calm down.
By the way, life without crisis and freaking out will be bored, doesn’t it?
ini mungkin ga nyambung sama tulisan lo, tp quarter life crisis juga sih.. in love life.bhahak!. for me, there’s only two choices. being ‘galau’, sit at your home, waiting until the one come to you or be wild, free, get many adventure that you can until to tired and bored. me? i’m in between, nya. *nyengirkuda*
wakakakak.. tapi klo kata temen gw sih ‘jangan dicari yang kayak begituan mah (jodoh maksudnya), ntr juga dateng sendiri.. klo dicari malah ga ketemu2. Jadi get wild and free aja for yourself aja kali ya opsi yg paling gw suka twit lo yg tadi, klo mau ketemu ‘jodoh’ lo jgn dimimpiin doang, tapi diketemuin sana! hahaha!
wakakakak. gegara diserang putri secara tiba2 di bbm. muncul ide twit itu. pfft
tapi emang bener sih si mput.. klo udh ngerasa ketemu si ‘jodoh’ ya dikejar gitu jangan didiemin, klo direbut orang gmn? hahaha
aduh itu ada yg salah kata2nya. get many adventures as you can harusnya. pffft
*toyor mbaknya
Halo Nyanya salam kenal!
Seneng bisa nemu blog kamu dari blogwalking… Hihi saya juga sedang rentan kena quarter life crisis sepertinya.
Being 24 and single, sementara temen2 udah pada nyebar undangan nikah sy malah mau kuliah lagi.. Karena lulus agak telat, belum punya pengalaman kerja juga. Jadi khawatir soal banyak hal deh: karir, jodoh, kuliah… But anyway each of us has our own way of life yah. Ngeliat kamu yg spertinya sukses melalui freak out momentnya, jadi semangat juga
*maaf jadi curcol*
Halo Tanti, selamat datang di quarter-life crisis yang sangat menyebalkan hahaha. Tapi kamu bener, setiap orang punya jalannya sendiri. Aku masih freak out kadang kok, apalagi pas tau beberapa sahabatku akan menikah dalam waktu dekat. Tapi ya buat apa freak out? Dijadiin motivasi aja. Lagian apa yang mereka capai dan apa yang aku capai memang beda..
Kamu mau lanjut kuliah dimana nanti?
Insyaallah kalau ngga ada aral melintang akan lanjut di Gothenburg, Swedia.. Baru Agustus sih berangkatnya, jadi skrg masih persiapan ini-itu…
Kalau akhir tahun kamu masih di europe, main-main yaa…
Wiiii! Selamat ya! Semoga semua lancar. Amin amin..
Seneng deh akhirnya ada yang akan tinggal disana. Kemarin aku sempet mau ke Gothenburg tp batal karna apa2 mahal disana ahahah. Klo aku ada rejeki aku main2 ya ketempatmu nanti.
Ambil jurusan apa?
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Makasih..! Amiin, mudah-mudahan lancar… Saya juga doain semoga kamu ada rejeki supaya beneran bisa maen hehe…
Ambil jurusan komunikasi, agak melebar dari jurusan waktu S1 sih (ambil psikologi S1nya) tapi masih nyambung banget juga… ^^
Hyah, jurusan S1-ku tuh.. Hahaha. Semoga proses pengurusan dokumennya lancar ya..
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Wow kalo gitu bisa lah ya nanti nanya2 kamu kalo ada yang saya gak ngerti, misalnya tentang teori dasar komunikasi 😛
emang ntar masih belajar Tekom? Boleh-boleh.. selama aku masih inget 😀
Kalau liat silabusnya sih, udah yang practical gitu kayak intercultural communication atau communication technology. Maka dari itu mungkin teori-teori dasarnya gak akan diajarin dalem2 dan kita mesti nyari sendiri…
Wah seru2 banget! I bet you’ll love those classes. Sebagai (calon) anak komunikasi kamu harus akrab sama istilah: we cannot NOT communicate. 😀
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